Durex Records

Exclusive performances & interviews from the top Arab Hip Hop Artists, shining a spotlight on the Arab Hip Hop Scene

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Exclusive Performance of TooDope performing 'Ja6at' for Durex Records


Exclusive Performance of TooDope performing 'Ja6at' for Durex Records

Blu Fiefer

Exclusive Performance of Blue Fiefer performing 'Sharaf' for Durex Records

Bu Kolthoum

Exclusive Performance of Bu Kolthoum performing 'Hi Bu' for Durex Records


Exclusive Performance of Freek performing 'Mush Fathi' for Durex Records

The Synaptik

Exclusive Performance of The Synaptik performing 'Moseqa Al Qamar' for Durex Records

Slow Moe

Exclusive Performance of Slow Moe performing 'La Tst'reb' for Durex Records

Too Dope

Journey to becoming a rapper

Blu Fiefer

Challenges of being a female rapper in the Middle East

Bu Kolthoum

Hip Hop as a form of therapy


The Evolution of Arab Hip Hop

The Synaptik

The Stereotype of Arab Rap

Slow Moe

Journey to becoming the King of Saudi Rap