Having a better understanding of your partner’s most private parts, the more you can enhance the overall sexual experience. 

While it might appear apparent what lies below, numerous women aren't fully acquainted with the intricacies of their anatomy, particularly concerning the various components of the vagina. Ladies, if you're unfamiliar with how it functions, it's a safe bet that your partner isn't either!

The most private part of a woman’s body demands precise care and attention. It's an exceptionally delicate area and, as a result, can become sore and uncomfortable if not handled correctly. 

However, this small yet crucial area holds the secret to delivering an intense orgasm for her. Knowing the ins and outs of each part and the appropriate kind of stimulation they need will unveil an entirely new realm of sexual pleasure for both of you. 

Master the mons

Often called 'the pubic mound,' the mons is the rounded region just above the pubic bone. During lovemaking, it tends to be overlooked or disregarded since it is commonly perceived as a less sensitive part of the female anatomy. 

However, by cupping the mound and applying gentle pressure, you can stimulate the clitoris and retract the clitoral hood. This action reveals the highly sensitive tip of the clitoris, which can lead to an intense sensation of desire. 

Love her labia

Right below the mons, you’d find labia majora and the labia minora on either side of the vagina. They protect this delicate area and are often called the lips of the vagina as well. The labia minora are located just inside the outer labia majora and are covered in nerve endings, making them highly sensitive. Not only do they provide all important lubrication during sex, but they are also prone to an intense tingling sensation, courtesy of running your tongue along her labia.