Whether you are having sex for the first time or have plenty of previous experience, sex can be both exciting and a little nerve-wracking. 

Engaging in safe sexual practices enables you to embrace the pleasure of intimacy with a new partner without undue worry. This assurance stems from the understanding that you're safeguarding your well-being and physical health.

You need to learn about the ways to have safe sex to ensure you are protecting your health from sexually transmitted infections or diseases (STIs or STDs), unwanted pregnancies, and other risky sexual behaviors.

 1. Use a condom

Condoms must be used for all types of sexual activity, including vaginal, anal, or oral contact. They are affordable, simple, and effective in preventing the likelihood of contracting STIs and the potential for pregnancy, providing up to 99% reliability. It is extensively accessible at Planned Parenthood facilities, counseling services, and numerous educational institutions.

 2. Get tested regularly

While the faintest idea of getting yourself regularly tested for HIV and other STIs sounds wild, it is a great way to stay on to your health and maintain safe sexual relations. 

You and your partner must consider getting tested before discontinuing using any type of protection. Even if you are in a relationship, it is suggested to maintain a regular testing routine just to be on the safe side. Prioritizing testing is preferable to remaining unaware of any potential STI infection.

 3. Don’t forget oral sex

It’s time we stop undermining the oral sex contribution in spreading various STIs. Performing oral sex while your partner is wearing a condom guarantees the safety of everyone involved. 

Another alternative is using a dental dam, a piece of square pieces of latex, or condoms that have been opened and laid flat. When employed accurately, dental dams are verified to lower the chances of transferring blood and other fluids from the genitals to the mouth.

Their effectiveness extends to the prevention of STIs and HIV transmission. These can be utilized in oral sex on both the vulva and the anus.

 4. Use lube

Dryness during sexual activity increases the chances of contracting STIs because of the heightened friction. To ensure a seamless experience, incorporate lubrication. 

However, it's important to opt for water-based lubricants, as other options could potentially compromise the integrity of the condom.